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Tornado Tragedy and Scams

May 26, 2011

You know that it is well underway. That some foolish, heartless criminal is going to try and scam people through computer communication technology with a tragic story rooted in the recent disasters that have taken place here in the Midwest. Some of the stories are absolutely heartbreaking. I found myself in tears earlier today watching a news story of a father who cannot locate his teenage son after the tornado that struck in Joplin, MO, on Sunday afternoon.

I am hopeful that we can all lend some support to these folks who have experienced a terrible break, and are still under severe storm advisories day after day. However, to ensure that the people who need the help actually get our help, it is necessary to offer funds and supplies to legitimate organizations.

From what I understand from friends and family who are in that area, they are in need of more funds than supplies. There has been an outpouring of support in terms of supplies from local areas. When these situations call for funding, there is always the chance that someone will attempt to take advantage of generosity and charity and the Internet is the easiest way to do that. Just be aware of who your money is going to. The American Red Cross is a legitimate organization that will see to it that all donations meant for areas such as Joplin, Missouri, will get to Joplin, MO.

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